Coffee smoothies are utilized in many ways and contain various ingredients of your choice. Some are heathy, used for weight loss, or for any purpose to enjoy your coffee. Ingredients may include fruit, nuts, seeds and grains, vegetables or anything you basically desire. A good coffee is the base for your smoothie. Having a fresh roasted coffee will enhance your smoothie and add flavor and taste that can only be added through coffee. Coffee smoothies may be used for weight loss also.
Coffee itself is low in calories, great for potassium, magnesium, rich in antioxidants as well as a headache reliever. Coffee also may improve your skin appearance! The best coffee to use for smoothies is the best quality coffee grounds you can use. The better coffee added will give you the best taste you desire.
One simple smoothie includes:
1 tablespoon of Cherry Blend Coffee Roasters ground coffee.
1 tablespoons peanut butter.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract.
3/4 cup of unsweetened almond milk or other milk.
1/4 cup of brewed coffee, chilled.
1/2 frozen banana.
Raw honey to taste.
Add ice to thicken.
Blend to taste and smoothness.
Your choice of ingredients and additives are all personal choice. Using the best coffee possible is always an added benefit. Cherry Blend coffee roasters provides the perfect coffee for your smoothies and coffee needs.