Last but not least! Our coffee just for the Holidays is perfect for your special day. Be it a yearly Holiday, your' first born celebration, a wedding or just getting outside again celebration, this is the coffee for you. A celebration blend is needed in these times. We
need to celebrate every occasion as it is the most important part of our day. We want to share this time with others and what better way than relaxing in Cherry Blend Coffee Country with a great cup of Coffee Just for the Holidays. Discuss the good and not so good times with friends and family. Bring back the mood of celebration and joyous gathering. Maybe just yourself or a room full. You create the setting and we will supply the coffee. Thank you for being part of this adventure with Cherry Blend Coffee Roasters. You're the reason we are here and why we built Cherry Blend Coffee Country. Thank you.
Terry & Peggy Miller
Co-Owners, Roasters