Try 14 Different Coffees – Cherry Blend Coffee Roasters
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Thank you,

The Cherry Blend Coffee Family

Thank you.

Terry and Peggy Miller

Sample Pack, try each of our single origin and blends of coffee
Sample Pack, try each of our single origin and blends of coffee
The available grind options are fine,, course, medium, k cup, pour over, and whole bean!

Sample Pack

Regular price $35.00

A sample pack of 14 roasted coffees in 2oz single servings, including:

Single Origins

  • Tanzania / Brazil
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Guatemala
  • Ethiopia Yirgacheffe
  • Tanzania Swiss Water Decaf / Africa Swiss Water Decaf
  • Papua New Guinea



  • Ah, Nuts! Dark Roast
  • Balanced Bean
  • Coffee Just for the Holidays
  • Espresso
  • House Blend
  • Tutti Frutti
  • Twin Calf or 1/2 Caf


    Each sample pack is designed for ease of use and quality control.  The size of each sample pack was designed to hold 2 oz. of coffee beans whether ground or whole bean.  We fill each pack with the 2 oz. required and only contains 100% Arabica beans.  There are no additives or preservatives added to our packages.  The makeup of each bag is simple.   Created by a bag making company just for our products.  They are sealed on all sides allowing the proper expansion for the products added.  The bags have a separate tear off area at the top for easy access to the product.  Below the tear off area is a zip sealer.  This is used for resealing the bag if there is coffee. Beans left after the initial opening.  Each bag also contains a degassing  valve that allows excess Carbon Dioxide to be released from the bag after roasting.  This is a natural process of coffee roasting and the Valve is essential for proper degassing.  The sample bag is necessary for proper distribution of our coffees in smaller amounts and sold as a single sample and up to a complete sample box of all 14 of our Cherry Blend Coffee Roastery coffees.  A proper bag maintains the freshness of our coffees while transporting the coffee to your home or business.  Fresh roasted coffee deserves fresh tasting of said coffee.  We accomplish this with our sample pack and the individual sample bags.  

 Product origins in our sample pack include one 2 oz. sample bag of each of our 14 coffees we sell.  They include seven single origins and seven blends created from our single origins.  The seven single origins are Tanzania, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Tanzania Swiss Water Decaf, Colombian and Papua New Guinea.  The blends are Espresso, Tegrey House Blend, Tutti Frutti, Ah Nuts, Coffee just for the Holidays, Twin Calf and Balanced Bean.  Each blend is a combination of single origins roasted dark, medium and light. They all carry the notes created from each single origin and mixed to create another taste only associated with its content.  If your choice of coffee is more dark then light, you would most like the darker single roasts and the  blends made up of the darker roasts.  This is one way to determine which coffees you may like most.  

 The Variations of the Sample pack make it very popular.  People enjoy trying all the 14 coffees we offer and determining which is their favorite.  Having a simple taste of fresh roasted coffee with a large choice made in your very own home or office is a great way to explore your likes and dislikes in coffee.  Another benefit of saving money is a good idea also.  The cost of a sample pack is worth its weight alone. Making coffee from the sample pack is another benefit as well.  You can order the sample pack as a whole bean or ground for your home or office coffee maker.  Whether you grind your own coffee and decide which grind serves your best taste or we grind it for you, it is essential to do it right.  A French Press requires a Coarse grind, a drip coffee maker needs a medium grind and Aero Press requires a  fine grind.  We have 10 ways to make coffee in our own home.  With all the ways to make coffee today we need to know which grind is best for our purpose.  We can grind your coffee beans anyway you desire for your home coffee maker.  That is one way to make your coffee as good or better then the $5.00 cup you pick up on the way to work and at a much better price. Waiting in long lines, calling in a coffee order or worrying about who you're in contact with makes a sample pack a great way to eliminate all these problems as well as saving money and having coffee to drink that was roasted this week!  You will enjoy the sample pack and provide a great way to determine which coffee you enjoy most.  

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